The Do’s and Don’ts of Details

The Do’s and Don’ts of Details 2560 1707 adam Michaels

Let’s face it, weddings are huge. YOUR wedding is huge. It is one of the biggest days of your lives, everyone important to you will be there, there are so many moving pieces and parts, and you want to have total confidence that it will all go perfectly – down to the last detail. We here at Around Town know how you feel, and if there’s one thing we can always promise it’s that we will play our part to perfection. Our years of experience playing for the best weddings around have created a finely-tuned, well-oiled machine of artists who are experts at their craft. Which is why, today, we want to talk about what you can do to help us make sure your wedding is exactly how you’ve envisioned it, as well as what details you don’t need to waste time on – one of the fun parts about being experts in our field is that we don’t have to waste your time on minutiae. You can sit back, relax, and trust us to do what we do best – keep your guests on the dance floor all night long


We’re gonna start this off with a quick and dirty list of things we do need, or are extremely helpful (people pleasers and oldest daughters, we know you’ll love us for this). Of course, most of this is on our Final Information Document that we send to each of you, but we also know that can sometimes feel like a lot to look at! So, let’s break it down and make it a little simpler. Without further a-DO… 


DO write down a song’s title and artist! You’d be surprised how many versions of the same song can exist, each one a little different. If you choose “Here Comes the Sun” but don’t remember to write the artist, we’re going to assume you mean the original Beatles bop – when in fact you could have meant the incredible cover by Jacob Collier, or Nina Simone’s soulful take on the tune! Better yet, if you have a link to the version you’re thinking of, by all means drop that in! 


DO give us specific notes about timing or tempo if one of your dances is choreographed – again, we’ll match the original recording unless we’re told otherwise. If you want the second verse removed, or the tempo changed, let us know! You can even put in a link to the version you’ve been rehearsing to so we can match it exactly on the big day. 


DO have some fun with highlighting the song list! This is our best way to get a sense of your musical taste and the vibe you’re searching for on the dance floor and throughout the night. There’s a “Don’t” that will pair with this one, but we’ll get to that in a minute! 


DO reach out to your venue’s events coordinator nice and early to ask them if they’re able to accommodate our electrical requirements! The Final Information Document even has a section you can just copy and paste into an email, so all you have to do is hit “send”. We don’t need much, but what we do need is essential to make sure your music sounds perfect! 


DO remember to also ask your venue if they’re able to provide a microphone and speaker for your ceremony officiant! This is a big one!! Because plenty of venues do automatically include this for you, it is NOT a standard part of your basic Around Town Entertainment contract. We’re happy to provide one, but it does come with an additional fee since it requires our sound technician to arrive significantly earlier in order to set it up and make sure your ceremony has the same high quality sound as the rest of your evening! This is why it’s extra important to check early on and find out if your venue already has you covered or if you need us to handle it. 


Now, on to the “Don’t”s! 

DON’T cross out songs on the song list. We want to know which songs you LOVE! The song list serves as a great reference for the band to pick and focus on songs you DO love (rather than which ones you don’t). They’ll be reading the reactions of your guests and playing many or your favorites, as well as many others, so that everyone is dancing all night long! Know a song that you’d absolutely die if you heard it on your big day? You can note those very specifically in the box marked “Do Not Play” on your Final Information Document and we’ll steer clear of those like the plague!

DON’T choose more than one song for a special moment! We know that medleys are fun, but there’s a lot of extra work that goes into figuring out how to bridge together two different songs, that are often in different keys, in a way that feels seamless and natural. Sometimes, while seeming like an exciting idea, it could be a flop and make the special moment longer than usual.

DON’T stress! Your big day will be absolutely amazing! It’s going to be absolutely perfect and we’re so grateful you’ve trusted us to make it extra special! Your feet are going to hurt from dancing all night and your family and friends are going to have an absolute blast celebrating you and your partner putting a ring on it!